Who we are

North Northants Development Company (NNDC) is the private Local Delivery Company sponsored and supported by East Northants District Council and Kettering Borough Council to bring forward planned housing and economic growth in the area. One of NNDC’s most successful and important key functions is being a catalyst in promoting public private partnership.

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    What we do

    Our core activities focus on securing the necessary infrastructure improvements and developments to create an optimum environment for investment, new jobs and new housing provision in the district of East Northamptonshire and the Borough of Kettering.

    A key activity is facilitating development projects in town centres and elsewhere to enhance the environment, improve transport and stimulate economic growth. NNDC also acts at the interface of the development industry and our two sponsoring local authorities to support and assist in the implementation and delivery of major housing development sites and Sustainable Urban Extensions through development viability work, development appraisals and facilitating S106 negotiations between the private and public sector participants to enable key planned developments that have been stalled or mothballed to proceed.


    Our partners

    NNDC is a private limited company and is supported by two public sector Local Authority Partners – East Northamptonshire Council and Kettering Borough Council.

    NNDC have close relationships with the following: NEP (Board Member), SEMLEP, CLG , HCA, the NNJPU (North Northants Joint Planning Unit), and other private sector development industry and public sector partners.

    The board

    The NNDC Board is chaired by David Reynolds and comprises representatives of the two local authorities, the voluntary sector, as well as individuals from the private business sector.

    Our Current Board Members

    David Richard OBE DL Chairman
    Sir Patrick henry Vice Chairman
    Ron johnson
    Councillor Richard jon East Northants Council
    Councillor Jan walker Kettering Borough Council
    Alyson walker
    smith Brady
    David warner